26. August 2021
Reduction of rental price

A declaration of intent has been signed on the behalf of Húsnæðis -og mannvirkjastofnun (HMS) towards Bjarg íbúðafélag.
This is a new long-term financing from HMS, following a decision by the government of Iceland on the future arrangement for construction and purchase of apartments on social grounds.
Rental reductions have already been made for Bjarg's tenants in Móavegur and Urðarbrunnur, and on September 1st rental prices will lower for Bjarg's tenants in Hraunbær and Hallgerðargata in Reykjavík and also in Gudmannshagi in Akureyri.
The signing took place at Móavegur in Grafarvogur, where Bjarg's first apartment was handed over two years ago, and it was the Minister of Social Affairs and Children, the CIO of Bjarg Íbúðafélag, and the deputy director of HMS who signed the declaration of intent.